Ultrasounds During Pregnancy: How Many and How Often?

Looking for a baby scan in Belfast? You have came to the right place. Pregnancy is a beautiful and exciting time for soon-to-be parents. One of the most important check-ups during pregnancy is a scan, which helps to monitor the development of the baby in the womb.

You may be asking the question of how often should a pregnant woman have a scan before delivery? Generally speaking, the number of scans that a pregnant woman should have will depend on her individual circumstances.

For low-risk pregnancies, two scans may be enough – one at 12 weeks and one at 20 weeks. For higher-risk pregnancies, more scans may be needed to monitor the health of both the mother and baby.


Early ultrasound

Early ultrasounds are an important part of prenatal care. This scan can provide valuable information about your baby’s development, as well as allowing parents to get to know their baby’s health and development before they are born. But before you go in for your first ultrasound, it’s important to understand what an early ultrasound involves and what it can tell you about your unborn child.

An early ultrasound is a specialised ultrasound that is done during the first trimester of pregnancy. It can help your doctor confirm the viability of your pregnancy, check the number of foetuses, and assess the baby’s gestational age. It can also help detect any potential problems, such as a heartbeat abnormality or a chromosomal abnormality.

Early ultrasounds are very safe for both the mother and baby, and will provide invaluable information about the health and development of the baby.
Doctors typically perform early ultrasound during the 6-8 weeks of pregnancy.


First trimester ultrasound

During your first trimester of pregnancy, you may be uncertain on what to expect from your first ultrasound. An ultrasound is an imaging test that uses sound waves to create pictures of your baby in the womb. This is a way for your doctor to check on the development and health of your baby.
During your first trimester ultrasound, you can expect to see a number of things such as the sonographer will measure the size of your baby and check its heartbeat.

They will also check the position of the placenta and look for any signs of abnormalities such as multiple foetuses or chromosomal defects. Your doctor may also use this time to check the age of the foetus and make sure it’s growing properly.

Your first trimester ultrasound is a great opportunity to get a glimpse of your developing baby and make sure that everything is progressing normally.


Early Assurance Scan

At Bump to Baby we provide an early assurance scan between 6-13 weeks which compliments your first trimester ultrasound scan. However you must still attend your NHS scans as this scan does not replace it.


The scan is painless and simple

Early assurance scans are painless and simple, and they’re performed by a qualified sonographer. The scan is performed while you’re lying down, and the procedure takes around 20 minutes.


12 weeks scan

Knowing your baby’s gender early allows you to prepare the nursery and buy appropriate clothes and diapers. By also finding out early on in your pregnancy what gender of baby you will be having you will be able to share the great news with your family and friends.

There are different ways to find out the gender of your baby at an early date, such as taking a home pregnancy test, having an ultrasound scan, or having a blood test, but the most effective way is to have an early assurance baby scan in Belfast at our Bump to Baby clinic.

The baby’s sex can be determined at 12 weeks, but this is optional. If you would like to find out the gender at a later date, we can place the results in an envelope for you to open when you want. This is especially helpful if you want to organise a baby shower closer to your due date.
At this scan the mother may hear her child’s heartbeat for the first time as it will show the baby’s heartbeat. The heart rate can be anywhere from 110 to 160 beats per minute.

During the first trimester, if the baby has a peculiar heart rate, it can be a sign of certain birth defects. Therefore this scan is very important in keeping up to date with the baby’s health for both yourself and your doctors.
During the ultrasound, the baby’s heart rate can be heard at different times. This is to ensure that the baby’s heart rate is within normal range. However sometimes the baby’s heart rate can be slowed down if the baby is sleeping. If this happens, our specialists will need to wake the baby up to check the heart rate again.


Second trimester ultrasound

The second trimester ultrasound is one of the most important screenings during pregnancy. Doctors usually perform this ultrasound around the 18th week of pregnancy to provide a comprehensive overview of the baby’s development.

The ultrasound can detect any major birth defects, as well as assess the baby’s growth. This scan can also detect any signs of problems with the placenta, amniotic fluid, or umbilical cord. The scan is crucial as it checks for abnormalities, ensures normal growth, and monitors the baby’s development.


Reassurance and Wellbeing Scan

This scan is carried out at 13-36 weeks and compliments your second trimester ultrasound as it shows a visual check of foetal movement. It also checks for the foetal weight and measurements.

There is an optimal complimentary 4D sneak peek if the baby is in a good position (from 18 weeks).


Third trimester ultrasound

The third trimester ultrasound consists of having a type of medical imaging used to evaluate the health and development of the foetus during the third trimester of pregnancy.

Doctors typically perform this procedure between 28 and 42 weeks of pregnancy. During this ultrasound, your doctor will check the position of the placenta, as well as measuring the size of the uterus, checking the position of the baby, and observing the baby’s growth and development.

The doctor may also look for any signs of potential problems such as birth defects or developmental abnormalities. Doctors can also use this ultrasound to confirm the estimated due date.


Growth and Presentation Scan

At 37 weeks you are able to have our growth and presentation scan at Bump and Baby in Belfast. Here our professionals provide a visual check of the foetal movement as well as weight and measurement.

You are also able to hear the baby’s heartbeat at this scan. This appointment usually takes about 20 minutes.

It is safe for both mom and baby! At Bump to Baby your private baby scan in Belfast, we take the time to understand your concerns and answer any questions you may have regarding your pregnancy and ultrasound.

Our goal is to assist you in making well-informed decisions to ensure the health of both you and your baby. This will give you the highest confidence before the time comes to birthing your baby.


Schedule appointments

Due to Bump to Baby being a private baby scan clinic in Belfast it means it is convenient to schedule appointments and is also more comfortable to get a scan without any distractions. This means you will be able to choose the time of the scan and the position you prefer.

In addition, our team is very attentive to your needs, and you will be able to have a really enjoyable experience at our private baby scan clinic in Belfast.
Prenatal scans are important to monitor the health and development of you and your baby. Several factors, such as the mother’s age and medical history, determine the number of scans required during pregnancy.

Healthcare professionals generally recommend that pregnant women undergo at least four ultrasounds during their pregnancy. These include an early ultrasound, a first trimester ultrasound, a second trimester ultrasound, and a third trimester ultrasound.This will provide you with the best possible information about your baby’s growth and development.

Our scans compliment your scans you would normally receive from the NHS. Rest assured, we provide the best private baby scan services in Belfast for you and your baby. Our team are always happy to answer any of your questions and assist you in any way possible.

All scans performed at the Bump to Baby clinic in Belfast are provided by a fully qualified, professional Obstetric Sonographer, registered with the Health Care Professionals Council (HCPC).

If you are unsure about booking your appointment, don’t hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help you with anything you need.